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Alternative Collective Futures for the Internet

Verses is a collective re-imagining the future of the web with participatory software artifacts. Its governance is experimental. This talk is about its work, and how experimentation in organizational structures is essential for the pluriversal world we dream of — different structures allow for different forms of creation (e.g. commons-based peer production). Participants will have a chance to share experiments they’ve conducted or witnessed.

Watch the full talk below:

Jasmine Wang

Jasmine Wang

Co-Founder @ Trellis & Verses

Jasmine Wang is a co-founder of Trellis, a LLM-powered book companion and tutor, and a core steward of Verses, a creative collective building software artifacts that envision a more pluriversal, interdependent web. Jasmine is also an affiliate with the Collective Intelligence Project ( In her free time, she writes magical realism, poetry, science fiction, and plays piano. Next year, she'll be putting on a one-woman show about technology in SF & NYC.
